Oct 15, 2008

Camilla Trinchieri to Teach Workshops for the Institute at Palazzo Rucellai

When Camilla Trinchieri was in Italy in June 2008 launching the Italian translation of The Price of Silence, translated by Dr. Erika Bianchi, the two of them became fast friends. Dr. Bianchi, Erika, accompanied Camilla at the book discussions and signings, receptions and gatherings.

Dr. Bianchi, teaches at the Institute at Palazzo Rucellai in Florence, Italy, and talked about Camilla's work with fellow colleagues. Before long there was an invitation for Camilla to come teach a couple of writing workshops.

The Institute's website says: "The workshops will be integrated into [...] Italian language classes, [and] will provide a unique opportunity for their students to ponder the different approaches to writing in Italian and English."

Take a look at a downtown Florence map of where the Institute is. What does Camilla think about this? You can imagine! But here's what she writes:

"I'm very excited about going there to teach for two weeks in November. Just the thought of the food starts my heart racing. Slow cooked white beans, pumpkin tortelloni in a burnt butter sauce, chicken with artichokes, boar sausages. I could go on forever. The only thing I don’t like about Tuscan food is the saltless bread."

So come November, Camilla will be back on a trans-Atlantic flight to Rome, and onto a train to Florence, for two weeks of talking and eating and eating and talking! That's the life!