Jul 8, 2008

Publicity Comes in Surprising Ways

In researching reviews of Camilla Trinchieri's books in English and Italian, one story kept surfacing, over and over and over: the story about an overdue library book, Camilla Trinchieri's The Price of Silence. The woman who borrowed the book was an avid reader, and died with the book still in her possession. When the book was returned overdue, the library apparently insisted that the 50 cent charge be paid.

This story has resurfaced in blog after blog in multiple languages. Can you believe how many!

Impromptu Librarian

Fox News

CBS11 TV - Dallas

ABC Local - Philly

Wilx.com News 10 - Michigan

The Final Taxi

an Ebay Blog



Fly the World blog

Free Republic


Unbelievable Facts

WaarMaarRaar - Netherlands

Knurps - NL


StudentStyle - NL


Noticias.Terra.com - Brazil

Topix.com - from Associated Press

The Brea Canyon Monument

Common Sense Logic

Digital Journal 549 views, 13 comments

The Pakistan Daily Times

CaptainDramaticsMom Blog


SP Times of Florida

Metro.co.uk under Weird

Right-Mind from Idaho

Jobsworth at Guy-Sports.com

NieuwsEnzo.info German?

The Blogs at Trentonian

UPI.com Watercooler Stories

Inthekut Blog

Bally Blog - Anything and Everything

I'm unusual.com

MyPNW.com from the Pacific North West, reprinted the article and cited the original as being LoHud.com, from New York's Lower Hudson Valley at this link: http://www.thejournalnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007709260369. But the link no longer works.

AOL India News